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Garland Jeffreys Matador

Garland Jeffreys: The Matador of American Boy Girl

The Rise to Stardom

Garland Jeffreys' musical career took a major leap forward in 1979 with the release of his album "American Boy Girl." The album's title track, "Matador," became an instant hit and propelled Jeffreys to newfound recognition.

International Success

France Embraces the Matador

In France, Jeffreys' star shone brightly. "Matador" received widespread airplay, giving Jeffreys the opportunity to perform in the prestigious country.

A String of Albums and Chart Success

In the years following "American Boy Girl," Jeffreys released a steady stream of albums, including five within a five-year period. The album that cemented his chart success was "Matador," which reached the top five in several countries.
